Pool Timetable
If you want to get some lengths under your belt or perhaps just have a relaxing swim, we have members pool sessions in the morning, lunchtime and evenings as well as family friendly sessions throughout the week.
Swimming Pool Filter Replacement
From Monday 31st March, for approximately 2 weeks, our swimming pool filters will be replaced with new, modern ceramic filters. The removal of the existing filters is noisy and dirty work, so there may be periods of time where the swimming pool hall will be quite noisy.
Replacing these filters will reduce our water consumption, decrease the amount of chemical used to treat the pool water and consequently deliver improved water quality for you to swim in.
Conversion to using the new pool filters will necessitate two days of pool closure. The pool will therefore be closed on Wednesday 9th April and Tuesday 15th April 2025.
We apologise for the inconvenience to members as a result of these closures but the work cannot be completed without some downtime to the pool filtration.
Check our swimming timetables
Please check the pool timetable for availability as they do vary during term time due to Christ’s Hospital School swimming pool sessions. During the holidays we have a special holiday swimming timetable in place to give you more opportunities to swim.
Pool Timetable Saturday 29th March - Friday 11th April
Saturday 29th March
Member Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.07:00 - 07:40
Amphibians07:50 - 08:50
Bluecoats Swim AcademySwimming lessons for children either aged 4.5 yrs plus or of school age.09:00 - 11:30
Private Hire11:45 - 14:45
Pool PartyBluecoats Sports Pool Party - Private Hire Please contact reception if you are interested in booking a Pool Party at Bluecoats.15:30 - 16:30
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:45 - 17:45
Sunday 30th March
Member Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.07:00 - 09:15
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:30 - 10:15
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.10:30 - 11:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:40 - 17:45
Monday 31st March
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:55
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.09:00 - 09:45
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!10:00 - 10:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:00 - 12:50
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.13:00 - 13:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.14:00 - 16:50
Swim Academy17:00 - 18:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.18:40 - 19:30
Ready & Able19:30 - 20:00
Members Lane SwimmingA Three lane session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only . There will be no social lane at this time.19:30 - 20:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.20:00 - 21:30
Tuesday 1st April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:55
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.09:00 - 09:45
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!10:00 - 10:45
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.11:05 - 11:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.12:00 - 13:00
Members Senior Lane SwimmingA session for our senior members to enjoy a more relaxing swim in a quieter environment. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.13:10 - 14:10
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.14:15 - 15:50
Swim Academy16:00 - 18:30
Bluecoats Swim Academy (Adults)Swimming lessons for adults aged 18yrs +.18:30 - 19:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.19:30 - 21:30
Hints 'n' TipsCome along to our Hints 'n' Tips Session and utilize our Bluecoats Swim Academy teacher's who will be on poolside to share their knowledge and give hints & tips to improve your swimming.19:30 - 20:45
Wednesday 2nd April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 09:15
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:30 - 10:15
Bluecoats Swim Academy (Waterbabes, Pre-school Lessons)Swimming lessons for pre-school children under the age of 4yrs.10:30 - 11:30
Deep Water AquaA group exercise session in deep water with use of our floatation aids. For our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.10:35 - 11:20
Bluecoats Swim Academy (Parent & Baby Drop-in)A drop-in swimming lesson for parents or guardians to bring their babies aged 3- 18 months.These sessions are supervised by our friendly instructors, helping you and your child to gain confidence in the water and develop their swimming skills.Please pre-book your space by calling reception on 01403 247572 to attend.11:00 - 11:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:40 - 16:15
Hints 'n' TipsCome along to our Off Peak Hints 'n' Tips Session and utilize our Bluecoats Swim Academy teacher's who will be on poolside to share their knowledge and give hints & tips to improve your swimming.12:45 - 14:00
Swim Academy16:30 - 18:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.18:40 - 19:55
Amphibians20:00 - 21:30
Thursday 3rd April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 07:50
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.08:00 - 08:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.09:00 - 12:50
Members Senior Lane SwimmingA session for our senior members to enjoy a more relaxing swim in a quieter environment. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.13:00 - 14:05
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.14:15 - 16:15
Swim Academy16:30 - 18:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.18:35 - 19:20
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.19:30 - 20:15
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.20:20 - 21:30
Friday 4th April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:20
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.08:30 - 11:05
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.11:15 - 12:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.12:15 - 15:45
Swim Academy16:00 - 18:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.19:00 - 20:45
Saturday 5th April
Member Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.07:00 - 07:40
Amphibians07:50 - 08:50
Bluecoats Swim AcademySwimming lessons for children either aged 4.5 yrs plus or of school age.09:00 - 11:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:40 - 15:20
Pool PartyBluecoats Sports Pool Party - Private Hire Please contact reception if you are interested in booking a Pool Party at Bluecoats.15:30 - 16:30
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:45 - 17:45
Sunday 6th April
Member Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.07:00 - 09:15
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:30 - 10:15
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.10:30 - 11:30
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:40 - 17:45
Monday 7th April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:55
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:00 - 09:45
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.10:00 - 11:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.11:15 - 12:50
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.13:00 - 13:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.14:00 - 15:50
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:00 - 17:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.17:15 - 19:30
Ready & Able19:30 - 20:00
Members Lane SwimmingA Three lane session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only . There will be no social lane at this time.19:30 - 20:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.20:00 - 21:30
Tuesday 8th April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:30
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!08:45 - 09:30
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.09:45 - 10:45
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.11:05 - 11:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.12:00 - 13:00
Members Senior Lane SwimmingA session for our senior members to enjoy a more relaxing swim in a quieter environment. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.13:10 - 14:10
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.14:15 - 15:50
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:00 - 17:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.17:15 - 19:15
NPLQ On-going Training19:30 - 20:45
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.20:45 - 21:30
Wednesday 9th April
Pool & Sauna ClosedPool Closed for Pool Maintenance06:45 - 21:45
Thursday 10th April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 07:50
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.08:00 - 08:45
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:00 - 09:45
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.10:00 - 11:00
Members Senior Lane SwimmingA session for our senior members to enjoy a more relaxing swim in a quieter environment. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.11:15 - 12:15
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.12:30 - 15:50
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:00 - 17:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.17:15 - 19:15
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.19:30 - 20:15
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.20:20 - 21:30
Friday 11th April
Members Lane SwimmingA dedicated session for our swimmers to swim continuously with the pool, divided into Slow, Medium and Fast lanes only.06:30 - 08:45
Family SwimA dedicated session for our families to enjoy the freespace, with no limitations of lane ropes. Play and have fun!09:00 - 09:45
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.10:00 - 11:00
Aqua AerobicsA group exercise session in shallow water for our members and pay as you go members aged 16yrs +.11:15 - 12:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.12:15 - 15:45
Aqua SplashAqua Splash ! A Fun Family Session with foam floats, sinkers and balls for everyone to enjoy. Splash in the pool, climb on floats and make up your own family games. Perfect for learning how to enjoy time in the water whilst playing together as a family.This session is included in our Full/Swim/Junior memberships. Or you can Pay As You Go for £3.50 per child & £6.00 per adult. All Sessions will need to be pre-booked by contacting reception on 01403 247572.16:00 - 17:00
Members SwimmingA session for all of our swimmers including families and children. Slow, Medium and Fast lanes also available.17:15 - 20:45
Pool information

Our 25-metre sparkling pool is available for swimmers of all ages and abilities, you can train for that competition, take a swimming fitness class or swim to relax.
We have changing rooms, showers and lockers available, as well as a lovely Sauna to unwind in after a long swim session. (Please note, the Sauna can’t be used when the pool is booked out by Christ’s Hospital School.)
Here at Bluecoat Sports Horsham, we’ve taught hundreds of children & adults to learn to swim and we’ve seen many of our swimmers win galas. You can join in with aqua aerobics classes or simply swim by yourself, there’s something to suit everyone!
Pool facts:
25 metres long
1.8 metres at its deepest
Shallow at both ends
Six lanes
Lifeguard protected
Check our pool timetable for the latest updates and book your swim session today!

Our swimming pool

All ages can exercise and train safely
You’ll find we keep the water at just the right temperature, so swimmers of all ages feel comfortable in the pool. There’s plenty of room for that aqua aerobics class or swimming training with our six lane pool. It’s 1.8m deep in the middle and we’ve made the pool shallow at both ends for ease of use.
Plus, you’ll know you’re in safe hands as one of our lifeguards is always watching what’s going on in the water.
Swimming is a fantastic form of exercise no matter what your age. It gives you a full body workout and is an incredibly important life skill to have. The water helps to support you whilst you exercise and offers resistance, giving a more effective workout with less risk of injury.
Who can use our swimming pool in Horsham?
Our swimming pool is open to Member’s only, their guests and those attending swimming lessons. You do not need to book your swimming slot, simply check the pool timetable for availability as they do vary during term time.
Our swimming pool activities
Whether you’ve only just started swimming or you’ve been swimming for years, we have something for everyone here at the Bluecoat Sports swimming pool.
Adult swimming classes
Starting to Swim
Improvers classes
Advanced swimming lessons
Hints ‘N’ Tips
Junior swimming classes
Waterbabes: Parent and Baby Drop in 3 months – 3 years
Pre- School Lessons 3 years to School age
Learn To Swim
Rookie Lifesaving
Barracudas Club
Intensive Swimming Courses
Family Swim
You can book 1:1 classes for your children if they’d benefit from some more intensive tuition to help build their confidence and develop their strokes. We also offer 1:1 classes for the grown ups too, whether you want to learn to swim, improve your strokes or train for a competition.
01403 247 572