What’s On?
- Half Term: Junior Activities
Junior Football Camp (8-15 years)
Tuesday 18th / Thursday 20th February
Book now: 01403 247572
Junior Squash Camp (8-15 years)
Thursday 20th February
Book now: 01403 247572
Junior Tennis Camp (3-14 years) with Foxy Tennis Coaching
Friday 21st February
Book now: Clubspark / Foxy Tennis Coaching / Holiday camp - Jump ‘N’ Play (up to 6 years)
Wednesday 19th / Friday 21st February
(no Thursday session for Half Term only)
09:45-10:45 / 11:00-12:00
£3.50 per child - Family Swim (Members Only)
Please check the Pool Timetable for Family Swim times during the holidays & book in advance via 01403 247572. - Aqua Splash
Please check the Pool Timetable for Aqua Splash times during the holidays & book in advance via 01403 247572. - Introduction to the Gym:
Junior Circuits (10-15 years): Thursday 20th February, 15:00-15:45.
Teen Gym (14-15 years): Monday 17th February, 15:00-15:45.

- Adult Courses:
Beginners Squash
Monday 3rd – Monday 24th March
10:00-11:00 or 19:00-20:00
Members: £24.00 Non Members: £42.00
Book Now: 01403 247572
Beginners Pilates
Saturday 1st March – Saturday 5th April
Members: £42.00 Non Members: £55.50
Book Now: 01403 247572 - Coming Soon: After School Junior Football Course
Tuesdays, 25th February – 1st April
Book Now: 01403 247572

Save the Date: Swimathon 2025
Saturday 29th March
Swimathon is back for another year! Get involved in raising funds for Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie with us here at Bluecoat Sports on Saturday 29th March.
Swimathon is designed to be inclusive and accessible, with distances ranging from 400m to the Triple 5k, there is a Swimathon challenge for everyone! Enter solo or as a team.
Last year, the BCS team raised £901.10 for Swimathon. Can we all beat that total this year? If you can’t take part in the challenge, then you can still support by sponsoring our staff team. Who from the BCS staff would you like to see take part this year? Let us know!
Members Notice
We are always looking at how we can improve and enhance the Club for our members. This includes new activities, new or replacement equipment and redecoration or refurbishment of spaces.
From 27th January, decorating works have been taking place throughout the Club, but will be particularly noticed in Studio 2 and some corridor areas.
We are very aware that the reception toilets (the ladies in particular) are in need of a facelift. We want to ensure that we consider the impact from usage of the new facilities before replacing like for like. When a timeline for these works is confirmed, we will be in touch again, but wanted to assure you that we are aware they need attention.
If you have any suggestions for other areas of the Club that would benefit from some attention, then please do let us know.