Bluecoats Roundup: February and March Activities and Events

Welcome to our monthly roundup of activities that have taken place at Bluecoat Sports over the course of February. Here, we’ll update you on everything that’s been happening at the club recently and give you information about upcoming events.

Read our roundup of February below and discover what’s coming up in March at Bluecoat Sports.

February activities and events at Bluecoat Sports

Traditionally, across leisure, February is seen as the respite between the boom of January and the boost of March.

After our spectacular Open Day, February offered the break we needed but there were some accomplishments that need to be mentioned:

  • A successful Ultimate Frisbee day held on 26th February.
  • Refurbishment work started on the Sauna. The expected completion is looking to be the start of April.
  • Appointment of Club Administrator to oversee back of house administration.
  • Two long standing Duty Managers, Freddie and Ollie, moved on to new jobs. Freddie is leaving us for the Army and Ollie is moving to Gatwick to become a dispatcher. We wish them well in their new careers. They will be missed by members and staff!
  • Liza, our full time Recreation Assistant is off travelling before going to University in September. All the best on your travels Liza!
  • The cancellation of the annual Horsham Rotary Club Pancake race on 24th February due to bad weather. If you can remember, it was pouring at 09:00 and by 13:00, it looked like spring had sprung. We remain reigning champions! Until next year…

Upcoming events in March

As we now move into March, we look forward to a busy month with lots to look forward to.

Red Nose Day

A big day for us is Red Nose Day on 18th March. We will be holding a morning full of events (of course with a theme – see our social media over the coming days for more info!) all for a brilliant cause.
We currently have Red Noses for sale at £1.50 with 75p donated to Comic Relief.

Future showcase events

After the big success of our open day on 29th January, we have now pencilled in numerous events across the year to showcase how much our members mean to us. Stay tuned!

No joining fee offer

At the end of March, we will be running our first sales offer after the open day which will be a No Joining Fee for any type of membership. This offer run between Thursday 24th – Thursday 31st March. A great opportunity to sign up before Easter – no strings attached!

Upcoming events

Over the coming months, you will start to see Bluecoat’s at events such as:

  • Run Wisborough in May
  • The Barns Green half marathon in September

Along with our scheduled in-house events such as:

  • Our members quiz night
  • Dance evening
  • Early rumours of an Afternoon Tea aimed at our senior Gym users

After 2 years of inconsistency and restrictions, we are aiming to return to full force by providing our current members with in-house events and getting the Bluecoats name back out into the Horsham community. We are Horsham’s best kept secret after all.

On Wednesday 12th March, the Tennis Courts will be closed for essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.